Monday, 28 September 2015

Credit Card vs Debit Card

A recent study found that over 60 percent of consumers prefer using debit cards to credit cards as a payment vehicle, why? because debit feels more like "real money."
When using a credit card, the credit card provider is essentially extending you a loan for the amount purchased. You typically sign for the purchase, and when they send you a bill, you are obligated to pay your balance. If you do not, the credit card company will charge you interest rates and fees.
A debit card is associated with your bank account. When you make a purchase, that exact amount of money is taken out of your bank account within days. When you use a debit card, you typically use a PIN number.
The cards look the same, are scanned the same, but are very, very, different.
Which suits you? Some things to consider when deciding: Card protection, interest, fees, avoid debt, spending money that you don’t have etc. More recently we are seeing a lot of rewards and benefits associated with Credit and Debit Cards. How do you find the best reward structure for you?
Don’t look any further than
 LuckyBuys BonusCash VISA Debit card…

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